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DXCC Announces Rule Change

ARRLのサイトのニュースによると、世界で一番有名なDXアワードである「DXCC(The DX Century Club)」のルールが、2006年6月15日の00:01(UTC)より変更されるそうです。

今回のルールの変更は、「Section II, DX List Criteria, 1. Political Entities of the DXCC Rules」に「Paragraph (c) 」が追加されると言う物で、追加される文章は、

The Entity contains a permanent population, is administered by a local government and is located at least 800 km from its parent. To satisfy the 'permanent population' and 'administered by a local government' criteria of this subsection, an Entity must be listed on either (a) the US Department of State's list of 'Dependencies and Areas of Special Sovereignty' as having a local 'Administrative Center,' or (b) the United Nations' list of 'Non-Self-Governing Territories.





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