« 第一電波工業 新型広帯域(2~30MHz)アンテナ「BB6W」の詳細 | メイン | 第31回胆振日高コンテストの結果が発表 »





- Language extensions, see lang.ini as an example:
[MASK] and [DXCC] sections define rules of changing the name of a macro depending on a current callsign. For instance, will run for R* and U* callsigns, for German callsigns, and so on. If there is no rule,just is executed.
- External mode plugin support (with Olivia as an example: ModeOlivia.dll is available as a separate downloadable file).
- RigExpert Plus interface is automatically set up (if detected). See http://mixw.net/RigExpertPlus/ for details about RigExpert Plus.
- FSK port and WinKey port settings are now accessible through the Configure menu.
- Extended WinKey setup, see the WinKey.ini file.
- Command-line parameters:
NODDE - disable DDE function.
DDE:xxx - set DDE server name to "xxx".
NOOLE - disable OLE function.
NONIC - disable TCP/IP over AX.25
NOREP - disable RigExpert Plus automatic detection.
MENU1 - use alternative menu.
- Multimedia keyboard support.
For instance, create the following macro:
Name: OnAppCommand11
Label: does not matter
Text: Then, pressing the Next Track button will increase the transceiver frequency by 0.1 kHz.Macro names which correspond to multimedia keys pressed appear in the status bar when MixW is running.
- A separate program to check sound card sample rate is added.See "Check sound card sample rate" in Start - Programs - MixW menu.
- New install/uninstall system.
- Several minor bugs fixed.



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