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Swains Island DXpedition

すでに各所で報じられていますが、3月2日から5日にかけて、American Samoa(KH8)のSwains島(IOTA OC-200)からのDXペディションが、KH8SIのコールサインで行われるそうです(チームのサイトはこちらへ)。




#今回のDXペディションは、Swains島をDXCC上の新エンティティとして認めてもらおうと言う意図があるようです(チームの主張は上記サイト上の「The Rough Road to IARU」をご覧下さい)。なお、ネット上で見る限りでは、この件は色々と物議を醸し出しているようですね。


KH8SI News Release

On February 18, 2005, a full year after the Conference, a news release over the name of Kan, JA1BK, was distributed announcing a DXpedition to Swain’s Island using the call sign KH8SI. The release claims that at the Taipei Conference, ARRL Chief Executive Officer David Sumner, K1ZZ, “withdrew his objection” to the ASARA application. That statement is false. At no time was the ARRL’s objection to the ASARA application withdrawn by Mr. Sumner or anyone else representing the ARRL at the Conference. Had the suggestion been made that the ARRL do so, it would have been rejected. The release goes on to say that Mr. Sumner “reneged on the agreement.” That statement is also false. There was no agreement, so there was nothing to renege. The ARRL position has been absolutely consistent and has never wavered throughout this affair. Any claims to the contrary are utterly without foundation.

Contacts with KH8SI operating from Swain’s Island will count for American Samoa for DXCC purposes and for OC-200 for the RSGB’s Islands on the Air (IOTA) program. May it be a safe and enjoyable operation for all concerned, conducted in the spirit of goodwill that generally marks Amateur Radio.

追記:クレージーこんてすたーズの記事に、この件に関する解説が掲載されています(こちらこちら)。また、area JZT on the blogにも関連した記事が掲載されています。さらにJA1KAJ アマチュア無線日記にも関連した記事が掲載されています。


» Swains Island from クレージーこんてすたーズ (Crazy Contesters)
 これは、昨年2月IARU Reg3の会議が台湾で開催される際、議題としてASARA(American Samoa Amateur Radio Associat... [Read More]

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